Product Mix Pricing Strategies (2024)

By David Weedmark Updated June 11, 2021

Turning prospects into customers takes time and marketing dollars, so the more sales you can get with each customer, the more likely your company will be to make a profit. A product mix pricing strategy is your roadmap to making multiple sales and leveraging sales in your product lines to increase profitability.

Product Mix and Pricing

As the University of Minnesota explains, a product mix includes all of the products a company has to offer its customers. A product mix pricing strategy, therefore, can be any strategy that takes the product mix into consideration. Most often, however, the product mix is segmented into the products consumers are most likely to buy together, and the strategy aims to maximize product, market share or company growth.

If you have ever succumbed to a "buy one get one free" sale, upgraded your cell phone plan, bundled all of your insurance with the same company or bought a value meal at a restaurant, you've been the happy target of a product mix pricing strategy.

Five Product Mix Pricing Strategies With Examples

There are five types of pricing models that companies can use with a product mix pricing strategy. These include:

  • Bundle pricing: Multiple products are grouped together for a discount. Telecom providers bundle TV, phone and Internet services, while fast food restaurants bundle hamburgers, fries and a soda together.
  • Captive pricing: This is when a base product requires specific accessories to work properly. An electric toothbrush or an inkjet printer may be inexpensive, but replacement brushes or print cartridges are sold with a high profit margin.
  • Line pricing: Products are categorized in different product lines, usually based on quality. A single hotel room is at one price, a double room costs more and an executive suite costs even more, disproportionate to the square footage or amenities offered.
  • Optional pricing: A base product is sold at a relatively low profit margin, with add-ons offered with much higher options. A smartphone or tablet with a memory upgrade, for example, may cost a few hundred dollars more than the actual cost of the extra memory.
  • Byproduct pricing: When producing a product creates by-products that can also be sold, rather than being discarded, you have byproduct pricing. Food producers, for example, often sell discards as animal feed. Another interesting example might be "donut holes," traditionally made from the punched-out centers of donuts.

Determining Your Product Mix Strategy

Before you can start developing a product mix pricing strategy, you will need a strategy for your product mix itself – that is, the products you plan to offer together. According to ProductPlan, a product management software company, there are four dimensions to any product mix:

  • Width: the number of product lines you offer
  • Length: the number of products in your product mix
  • Depth: the number of product variations in your product mix
  • Consistency: how your product lines relate to each other

For example, suppose you sold dog toys and you were thinking of adding dog food to your offerings. This would represent a second product line, adding to the width, with a high degree of consistency between your product lines. On the other hand, expanding into cat toys along with your dog toys would add a second product line, increasing the width, but not the depth, with a lesser degree of consistency (except for customers who have dogs and cats).

Product line expansion is a common way to increase your mix, by increasing the number of product lines (length), or adding variations to your current products (depth). Alternatively, if you haven't examined your product mix before, contraction may be a wiser option, by narrowing your product mix to eliminate low performers and to make your mix more consistent.

Product Mix Pricing Strategies (2024)
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