Service Industry Value Chain Analysis | EdrawMax Online (2024)

Detailed Value Chain Analysis of Service Industry

Service Industry Value Chain Analysis | EdrawMax Online (1)

1. Introduction

Gaining a competitive advantage over other companies in the market is one of the primary goals of any business. It increases the profit margins, attracts more customers, and strengthens the brand identity. Value chain Analysis is a visual tool to analyze the business activities that can help gain competitive advantage and identify the gaps to improve efficiency and add value for the business. The traditional value chain is structured more around the manufacturing industry rather than the services industry. However, the conventional value chain analysis can still be tweaked to use the value chain concept and come up with its service value chain.

Performing a value chain analysis enables the management to break down company logistics, operations, and infrastructure to reveal the actual value of a product or service. It can also help you identify a competitive advantage you have over rival businesses.

2. Background of Service Industry

The service industry is the industry that delivers services instead of tangible products. The service industry may include banking, hospitality, communication, computer softwares, virtual trade, hospitals, etc. in the last few years, economists are noticing a grand shift of industry from manufacturing to service industry. A main contributing factor to this trend is the fact that most of the work in the manufacturing industry is taken over by machines, so there is less demand for the workforce. While the service industry is still open to explore.

Source: EdrawMax Online

3. Primary Activities in Value Chain for Service Industry

According to Porter, companies can use two different ways to increase their profits by using value chain analysis:

Cost leadership: it means cutting costs and streamlining processes to increase profit margin.

Competitive differentiation: Brand yourself as a different company and offer a unique, high-quality service.

Inbound Logistics:

The service value chain consists of different inputs, outputs, and activities from the manufacturing industry. It has the following characteristics.

Inseparability: This type of service is delivered to many consumers simultaneously, for example, an information message.

Intangibility: This type of service is customized for one consumer or a group of consumers, for example, a tennis lesson.

Perishability: Services are not perishable products, so they cannot be saved or stored, e.g., repair service or hotel room.

Heterogeneity: the quality of service and experience might change from person to person, for example, the responsiveness and quality of customer service.

Inbound logistics are defined as how raw materials and supporting supplies are acquired for use in the company. You can see this definition is more suited to the manufacturing industry. However, the supply value chain also covers inbound logistics, but the nature of the products is different. For example, the inbound logistics in the Airbnb model include peer-to-peer listings of accommodation, experiences, and adventures. In their model, the host can fill in their available properties, facilities, and prices on the online portal without any extra cost.


The need for operations management might not look very important at first glance in the supply value chain. However, here the operations are the processes that make the services possible and deliver the experiences to consumers. For example, you need food, bedding, drinks, and other necessities well-stocked for quick customer service delivery in the hospitality industry. In tourism, you need to manage transport, boarding, and lodging along with emergency measures.

Outbound Logistics:

Outbound logistics covers the warehousing and distribution of goods in the conventional business model. However, in the service value chain, outbound logistics activities include direct service delivery to the consumer without any intermediate agents or time delays. So, the characteristics here are different. For example, an internet service provider is concerned that the bandwidth, download speed, and quality of service delivered from the company's end are delivered smoothly to the consumer. Similarly, the banking industry's outbound logistics revolve around providing a good customer experience and reliability during transactions.

Marketing and Sales:

Sales in the industry value chain mean convincing your prospective customers to buy your services. While marketing means creating demands by offering the right services to the customers looking for them.

Lead generation is a prime example of marketing and sales in the service value chain. In the traditional industry value chain, you market around your product features. While in the service value chain, you need a different approach to sell your services.


In the service value chain analysis, it is essential to note that the business's success is mainly dependent on word of mouth and reviews of the customers. Since the products are not physical, the new customers will want to know the experience of other customers. Considering this, after-sale support services are crucial to the success of the services business. A good customer experience means customer loyalty, customer retention, and indirect marketing for the company.

Service Industry Value Chain Analysis | EdrawMax Online (3) Source:

4. Service Industry’ Support Activities

Support activities in the value chain analysis lay a strong foundation for the physical activities to be conducted. This is like a framework that encompasses the primary activities and provides support.


Infrastructure needs in the value chain for the services industry differ in form and scale for different services businesses. For example, the hotel industry needs an extensive physical infrastructure, including building, bedding, food, and much more. In comparison, IT services companies need data servers, communication channels, fiber optics, etc. Infrastructure also encompasses finances, accounting, planning, and legal wings.

Human Resource Management

Despite the growing role of technology in the service value chain analysis, human resources continue to play a critical role in the value chain for the service industry. Different models of service value chain require different levels of human resource management activities like hiring, training, and facilitating the employees. For example, the Airbnb model has employees who mainly take care of the IT infrastructure. While in the banking industry, the workforce is enormous. There are multiple aspects of HRM like legal proceedings, training the corporate staff, teaching courses, and maintaining the privacy of transactions. So HRM has to invest more effort, time, and resources.

Technology Development

The role of technology has grown exponentially in the last decades. Some of the service value chain industries are based purely on technology advancement. For example, internet services providers, Amazon cloud services, Airbnb; all are success stories of advanced technology. Technology is a critical source of competitive advantage in today's world. Therefore, innovation and research in this segment cannot be ignored.


Procurement again differs between different service value chains. In the Airbnb model, procurement is minimal. While in the banking industry, they need to buy supplies for running the business. However, in the hotel industry, procurement is a large-scale activity. End-of-life management is an ongoing challenge in the hotel industry. So, they need to replace equipment and the daily running supplies often. As a result, they must select the best suppliers at a reasonable price to cut extra costs and purchase the

5. Key Takeaways

A value chain analysis can depict the way to profitability for any company. The service value chain analysis aims to align the service industry with the highest standards of customer experience. This is the basic foundation of gaining a competitive advantage for any business. EdrawMax Online is a web-based drawing software that allows the drawing of value chain analysis and over 280+ types of drawings efficiently and accurately. Template Gallery gives you a great start by providing the diagrams' basic structure, which you can customize according to your needs.

6. References

  1. Airbnb Value Chain Analysis. Research-Methodology. Published September 16, 2019. Accessed August 27, 2021.

  2. Five Procurement Best Practices in the Financial Services Industry. SpendEdge. Published March 15, 2021. Accessed August 27, 2021.

  3. Inbound vs. Outbound Logistics. Oracle NetSuite. Accessed August 27, 2021.

Service Industry Value Chain Analysis | EdrawMax Online (2024)


What is the value chain in the service industry? ›

A value chain is a concept describing the full chain of a business's activities in the creation of a product or service -- from the initial reception of materials all the way through its delivery to market, and everything in between.

Which tool is used for value chain analysis? ›

Choice experiments are definitely among the tools that can be useful for value chain research. You may want to assess farms' and firms' preferences for alternative business models.

What is online value chain? ›

Perform Value Chain Analysis online

A Value Chain Diagram is a visual representation of a value chain, which is a set of activities that a business perform to deliver a valuable product or service for the market.

What are services in Porter's value chain? ›

Service. This includes all activities that maintain the value of the products or service to customers as soon as a relationship has developed based on the procurement of services and products. The Service Profit Chain Model is an alternative model, specific designed for service management and organizational growth.

Does service industry have supply chain? ›

(2007) defines service supply chain (SSC) as a network of suppliers, service providers, consumers and other supporting units that performs the function of transaction of resources required to produce service followed by transformation of these resources into supporting and core services and finally delivery these ...

What are the 3 steps in value chain analysis in order? ›

Three main steps can be distinguished in value chain analysis: (1) Identify the main functions and types of firms in the value chain; (2) Analyze structural connections; and (3) Analyze dynamics.

What is the industry value chain with example? ›

The industry value chain can refer to tasks a company performs to produce a valuable product. This value chain may include a cost-profit analysis for each stage in production. For example, it usually starts with sourcing raw materials or manufacturing until the company finally sells the product to consumers.

How do you create an industry value chain? ›

How to create a value chain diagram
  1. Separate your primary and secondary activities. Working off your results from step one, classify all your value-adding steps into each category as a primary activity or support activity. ...
  2. Label each activity to show how it creates value. ...
  3. Add the cost of each activity.
17 Apr 2022

How can SWOT analysis be used in value chain analysis? ›

SWOT provides a framework for analysis of the internal and external business environment. The value chain is another framework for business analysis. The value chain is a company's process for creating the “value” that's offered to customers. Ideally, each business activity adds value by creating a link in the chain.

What are the two main categories in a value chain analysis? ›

According to Porter's definition, all of the activities that make up a firm's value chain can be split into two categories that contribute to its margin: primary activities and support activities.

What is value chain mapping? ›

Value chain mapping is a process that identifies the main activities associated with a company's service or product line and is often used in corporate strategy in order to identify performance improvement opportunities.

Who created the virtual value chain? ›

The virtual value chain, created by John Sviokla and Jeffrey Rayport, is a business model describing the dissemination of value-generating information services throughout an Extended Enterprise .

How is virtual value chain different from conventional value chain? ›

In a physical value chain, products are delivered to customers, in the virtual value chain this is replaced by a digital product. For example, digital movie streaming of movies compared to mail delivery of DVD.

How many steps are there in value chain analysis? ›

Value Chain Analysis is a three-step process: Activity Analysis: First, you identify the activities you undertake to deliver your product or service. Value Analysis: Second, for each activity, you think through what you would do to add the greatest value for your customer.

What is a service industry? ›

service industry, an industry in that part of the economy that creates services rather than tangible objects. Economists divide all economic activity into two broad categories, goods and services.

How can an organization benefit from service value chain activities? ›

Advantages of Value Chain Analysis

With value chain analysis, you can easily identify those activities where you can quickly reduce cost, optimize effort, eliminate waste, and increase profitability. Analyzing activities also gives insights into elements that bring greater value to the end user.

What is an example of a service supply chain? ›


A marketing firm is a service company, which means the supply chain focuses mainly on human interaction instead of large physical products using various suppliers. The production system is based on a pull strategy where the customer initiates the demand.

Who are suppliers in a service industry? ›

A supplier is a person or business that provides a product or service to another entity. The role of a supplier in a business is to provide high-quality products from a manufacturer at a good price to a distributor or retailer for resale.

What are the four characteristics of service supply chain management? ›

The characteristics of a good supply chain are visibility, optimization, having the lowest cost possible, timeliness, and consistency.

What are the 5 steps in the product company value chain? ›

  • Collect the raw data and information;
  • Identify entities and process functions;
  • Connect the entities and functions;
  • Value the links in the chain; and.
  • Create a diagram for documentation.
24 Mar 2021

What are the five steps in the value chain process? ›

The five steps for value chain analysis include:
  1. Collect the raw data and information;
  2. Identify entities and process functions;
  3. Connect the entities and functions;
  4. Value the links in the chain; and.
  5. Create a diagram for documentation.
23 Mar 2021

What is value chain PDF? ›

A value chain includes the activities that take place within a company in order to deliver a valuable product or service to their market. Each stage of the value chain adds more value. The value chain provides a tool to visualize a firm's productivity by identifying the thousands of discrete activities involved.

What is industry value chain in strategic management? ›

Briefly, an industry value chain is a physical representation of the various processes involved in the production of goods (and services), from raw materials to the final product (also known as the supply chain).

What is another word for value chain? ›

CSR, critical-path method.

What are the stages of industry life cycle? ›

The four phases of an industry life cycle are the introduction, growth, maturity, and decline stages. Industries are born when new products are developed, with significant uncertainty regarding market size, product specifications, and main competitors.

What is a value chain model? ›

Value chain is a business model used to examine all company activities involved in taking a product or service from idea to sellable item. Ideally, companies can use the value chain model to strengthen their point of view and widen their profit margin—more efficiency, fewer costs.

What is VRIO framework of analysis? ›

The VRIO Framework is a four-pronged analysis of an organization's resources and sustainable success measures. The four main factors it focuses on are Value, Rarity, Imitability, and Organization.

What is an example of a value chain? ›

The best value chain example is the car manufacturing industry, where companies use both approaches of value chain analysis to create value for the customer depending on their target market.

What are the 5 primary activities of a value chain? ›

The five key (primary) activities that generate higher profits include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and services.

What is an example of a value chain activity? ›

The activities associated with this part of the value chain are providing service to enhance or maintain the value of the product after it has been sold and delivered. Examples: installation, repair, training, parts supply and product adjustment.

What is Inbound logistics in value chain in a service industry? ›

Inbound logistics are defined as how raw materials and supporting supplies are acquired for use in the company.

What are the two main categories in a value chain analysis? ›

According to Porter's definition, all of the activities that make up a firm's value chain can be split into two categories that contribute to its margin: primary activities and support activities.

How many steps are there in value chain analysis? ›

Value Chain Analysis is a three-step process: Activity Analysis: First, you identify the activities you undertake to deliver your product or service. Value Analysis: Second, for each activity, you think through what you would do to add the greatest value for your customer.

What is value chain vs supply chain? ›

To recap: the supply chain is the process between producing and distributing the product, dealing with the suppliers and logistics of getting the product to market. The value chain is a set of activities carried out by the company which maximises the competitive advantage.

What is another word for value chain? ›

CSR, critical-path method.

What is value chain PDF? ›

A value chain includes the activities that take place within a company in order to deliver a valuable product or service to their market. Each stage of the value chain adds more value. The value chain provides a tool to visualize a firm's productivity by identifying the thousands of discrete activities involved.

How do you fill a value chain analysis? ›

Five steps to developing a value chain analysis
  1. Step 1: Identify all value chain activities. ...
  2. Step 2: Calculate each value chain activity's cost. ...
  3. Step 3: Look at what your customers perceive as value. ...
  4. Step 4: Look at your competitors' value chains.

What is value chain mapping? ›

Value chain mapping is a process that identifies the main activities associated with a company's service or product line and is often used in corporate strategy in order to identify performance improvement opportunities.

What is value chain model? ›

Value chain is a business model used to examine all company activities involved in taking a product or service from idea to sellable item. Ideally, companies can use the value chain model to strengthen their point of view and widen their profit margin—more efficiency, fewer costs.

What are the 7 R's of logistics management? ›

⚽ The 7 R's (or Rights) are the set of ideals and principles used by organizations that can be a foundation to be successful in the trucking and logistics industry. These are the 'right' product, quantity, condition, place, customer, time, and price.

How can an organization benefit from service value chain activities? ›

Advantages of Value Chain Analysis

With value chain analysis, you can easily identify those activities where you can quickly reduce cost, optimize effort, eliminate waste, and increase profitability. Analyzing activities also gives insights into elements that bring greater value to the end user.

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.