What are the four things needed to connect to the Internet?Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISPModem, computer, PDA and ISPComputer, ISP, modem and communication softwareTelephone line, PDA, modem and computerMonitor, keyboard, mouse, modern (2024)



Computer, ISP, modem and communication software


Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISP


Telephone line, PDA, modem and computer


Monitor, keyboard, mouse, modern

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Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISP are thefour things needed to connect to the Internet.

Once you have your computer, you really don't needmuch additional hardware to connect to the Internet. The primary piece ofhardware you need is a modem. ... Dial-up access uses a telephone modem, DSLservice uses a DSL modem, cable access uses a cable modem, and satelliteservice uses a satellite adapter.

Suppose you want to connect your computer to anInternet Service Provider (ISP) using an ordinary phone line. The computer atyour end needs a modem to modulate its digital signals (add them on top of ananalog telephone signal) so they can travel down the phone line just like thesound of your voice.

When computers connect to each other on the samenetwork, it is called a local area network, or LAN. When multiple networks areconnected to each other, it is called a wide area network, or WAN. With thistype of network, your home has a network router that connects to your ISP.

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What are the four things needed to connect to the Internet?Telephone line, modem, computer, and an ISPModem, computer, PDA and ISPComputer, ISP, modem and communication softwareTelephone line, PDA, modem and computerMonitor, keyboard, mouse, modern (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.