What Is a Risk Management Policy Statement? (2024)

A risk management policy statement is a tool used by companies and other organizations to identify and respond to risks in a way that minimizes their impact. Although a risk policy statement often focuses on financial risks to a company, the type of risks addressed can be highly variable and can include risk of injury, accidents, and legal liability.

Definition of Risk Management Policy

An organization's risk policy definition generally defines risk as an unanticipated event that can affect the group's ability to reach its financial or policy objectives. For example, the risk management policy developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) includes goals and steps to:

  • Identify risks to the organization
  • Prioritize risks in terms of magnitude and immediacy
  • Design measures to avoid or minimize risks
  • Seek new opportunities created by risk-based situations

The risks addressed are any that would interfere with WHO's global mission, ranging from financial damages to the group to interference with its ability to launch teams to address global health concerns.

The Importance of Following Rules

A considerable amount of corporate risk management activity focuses on following the rules set not only by government regulations, but by industry associations and internal company policies.

Financial rules loom large in this respect. Many companies must file financial reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission and adhere to accounting rules. Many other financial rules exist regarding insider trading prohibitions, financial advisor registration, anti-corruption practices and much more. As described by the Thales Group, banks must adhere to "know your customer" and "anti-money laundering" (KYC/AML) rules designed to prevent the illegal use of funds to support terrorism or drug trafficking, for example.

Beyond the financial realm, a host of rules apply to numerous areas such as environmental management of toxic wastes, worker safety, and conservation of wetlands. Adhering to these rules is a complex task for an organization, made even more so by the fact that the rules differ from state to state and country to country. A corporate risk management policy helps to coordinate efforts across the organization in this regard.

The Broad Scope of Risk Management Policies

The risks to an organization can come from all directions. Internal risks exists, such as embezzlement, accidents and labor unrest. External risks can entail everything from natural disasters and pandemics to environmental issues like global climate change or stakeholder responses, such as lawsuits or boycotts.

The 14-page risk management policy statement adopted by ALS Global, a laboratory services and certification company, offers some good insights to the comprehensive nature of risk policies. The company's framework sets a process to evaluate risks across a 5x5 grid, evaluating both severity and consequences.

The Risk Evaluation Framework

The five levels of risk severity adopted by ALS Global are:

  • Insignificant
  • Minor
  • Moderate
  • Major
  • Catastrophic

The five types of consequences at each level are:

  • Financial
  • Legal
  • Reputation
  • Health, Safety and Environment
  • Operational

For example, an insignificant reputational risk involves an isolated complaint about the company that receives no media attention, while a catastrophic risk includes widespread and sustained media coverage of a problem that casts the company in a negative light. Similarly, risk of financial losses range from an insignificant loss of less than 1 percent of budget to a catastrophic loss of more than 15 percent. Risks are further evaluated according to likelihood, ranging from frequent to rare.

A further consideration is sometimes referred to as "risk velocity." The onset of some risks, such as an explosion, can occur instantaneously with little or no warning. Other risks, like climate change, can be even more consequential, but also allow more time for the organization to plant for the consequences of long-term risks.

What Is a Risk Management Policy Statement? (2024)
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