Individual behaviour support plans – Supporting Positive Behaviour (2024)

Students with behaviour disabilities may respond to some universal strategies used in the school-wide positive behaviour support system. However, these students require additional intensive and individualized strategies and support. These strategies need to be documented and communicated in a formal individual behaviour support plan based on these students’ unique and individual characteristics. These step-by-step plans provide key information about a student’s behaviour for staff who work with the student. The information in the plan needs to include:

  • key understandings about this student’s behaviour
  • conditions or antecedent events that are most likely to trigger the problem behaviour
  • warning signs that the student is experiencing difficulty
  • plans for diffusing the situation
  • positive supports to help the student increase his or her abilities
  • what peers need to learn to do to support this student
  • other strategies school staff can use to support and encourage this student.
Individual behaviour support plans – Supporting Positive Behaviour (1) Tool 8 provides a sample template of an individual behaviour support plan.

Staff need to read this plan before they work with the student. The plan should be kept in the office, with duplicate copies with each teacher working with that student. The objective of the plan is that all staff working with the student are aware of and committed to using positive behaviour support strategies to create and maintain a safe learning environment for the student, other students and school staff.

Parent involvement

It is important that parents are aware of this plan and are supportive of the proactive strategies, preplanned consequences and crisis management plan. Ideally, the development of a support plan is a collaborative effort between parents and school staff.

Download Sample Individual Behaviour Support Plan

Developing an individual behaviour support plan takes a team effort and should be done at the beginning of each school year or shortly after a student has been identified as needing a support plan.

Key understandings

Begin the planning process by identifying at least three key behaviours that significantly impact this student’s school success. Use data from the functional behavioural assessment to describe typical problem behaviours, and the typical functions of these behaviours. In addition, identify at least one positive or strength-based behaviour. These behaviours will be the focus of the plan.

Consider the types of problem behaviours that might be targetted from the following lists.

Internalizing behaviours

  • Anxiety
    • worries incessantly
    • is nervous
    • is fearful
    • avoids tasks or situations
  • Depression
    • cries easily
    • is easily upset
    • is pessimistic
  • Somatization (illness related to psychological distress)
    • has headaches and/or stomach aches
    • complains of general pain or fatigue
  • Withdrawal
    • refuses to talk or join in group activities
    • avoids others
  • Inattention
    • has a short attention span
    • is easily distracted
    • does not complete tasks

Externalizing behaviours

  • Anger control
    • has temper outbursts or “explosions”
    • is unable to regulate emotions
  • Aggression
    • teases others
    • threatens others
    • swears at or is rude to others
    • breaks others’ things
    • physically hurts others
  • Hyperactivity/impulsivity
    • is excitable
    • is restless or overactive
    • talks excessively
    • inerrupts others
    • cannot wait to take turns
  • Oppositional behaviour
    • argues
    • disrupts the play of others
    • annoys others on purpose
    • refuses to follow directions or respond to requests
    • breaks rules, including lying and stealing

The list above does not identify the reasons for specific behaviours. For example, a student may not be completing tasks for a variety of reasons, including inattention, oppositional behaviour or anxiety. To identify functions of these behaviours, use data gathered from a functional behavioural assessment (FBA).

Determine priorities

Students with behaviour disabilities often display several challenging behaviours, and many of them urgently need to be addressed. If a behaviour support plan attempts to address too many challenging behaviours at once, the plan becomes too complex and unwieldy, and it ultimately fails. Even when only one or two behaviours are targetted for change in the individualized program plan (IPP) and behaviour support plan, school staff continue to address the other behaviours through regular rules and routines.

Begin by choosing one behaviour of concern as the target for intervention in the behaviour support plan. This choice often depends on factors such as the impact of that behaviour on the student’s:

  • well-being and the well-being of others. Behaviours that place the student at risk or other staff or students at risk, must be addressed first
  • participation and learning
  • relationships with other students and teachers
  • ability to learn in the classroom.

Another factor to consider in choosing the target behaviour is the likelihood of success over the short term; for example, within three months. Once students have had success in one area, they can build on that success and systematically address other problem behaviours. Parents can often participate in the identification of priority behaviours.

Identify function of behaviour

When priority behaviours have been identified, use data from a functional behavioural analysis to determine the function or purpose of each type of problem behaviour. Include a description of the function in the “Key understandings” section of the plan.

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Individual behaviour support plans – Supporting Positive Behaviour (2024)


Individual behaviour support plans – Supporting Positive Behaviour? ›

Individual Behaviour Support Plans may reflect the diversity of behavioural theory and practice. They aim to increase a student's understanding and demonstration of the productive, prosocial behaviours which are required for successful learning and participation in the school community.

How can behaviour plans and support plans be used to support positive behaviour? ›

A good PBS plan has more proactive strategies than reactive ones. This helps to ensure that the focus of the plan is not just on the challenging behaviour but provides ways to support the person to have a good life, enabling them to learn new skills and more effective ways of getting what they need and want.

What is the individualized positive behavior support plan? ›

PBS is used to support positive behavior changes of individuals with developmental disabilities, autism, and emotional and behavioral disabilities. Individualized PBS is most effective when it is implemented across all environments, such as: at home, at school and in the community.

What is an example of a positive behavior support plan? ›

The Behavior Support Plan should outline measurable behavior goals for the student to work towards. For example, if the student stands up from their desk to get the teacher's attention, a matching replacement behavior goal could be teaching the student to raise their hand to request attention instead.

What is an example of a positive Behaviour support strategy? ›

setting clear behavioural expectations. positive reinforcement. fair and predictable consequences, including clear and helpful feedback. collecting and using data to make decisions and measure effectiveness.

What are the 4 components of positive behaviour support plan? ›

Principles of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
  • Person-Centred Approach. ...
  • Positive Reinforcement. ...
  • Partnership and Teamwork. ...
  • Assessment-Based Intervention. ...
  • Being Preventative, Not Reactive. ...
  • Outcome-Based Approach.

How do you create a positive behavior support plan? ›

7 steps to building a PBIS behavior plan
  1. Step 1: Identify key behaviors to focus on. ...
  2. Step 2: Think in terms of routines. ...
  3. Step 3: Fine-tune your students' learning environment. ...
  4. Step 4: Decide how will you incentivize your students. ...
  5. Step 5: Create clear instructions. ...
  6. Step 6: Create a multi-tiered system of supports.
Mar 31, 2021

What is a positive behavior intervention plan? ›

A behavior intervention plan (BIP) is a written improvement plan created for a student based on the outcome of the functional behavior assessment (FBA). The FBA should identify what is maintaining or causing a challenging behavior, and the BIP specifies the actions to take to improve or replace the behavior.

What are the 3 elements of positive behavior support? ›

good behavior support plan should include three components: prevention strategies, teaching replacement skills, and responses to challenging behaviors ( Lucyshyn et al., 2002).

What are examples of positive behaviours? ›

Some examples of positive behavior for me are these. Being genuinely interested in what your family and friends are saying. Disagreeing without being obnoxious about it To further elaborate without putting down the other person You can say I disagree. You don't need to tell they're full of …..

How are behaviour support plans used? ›

A "Behavior Support Plan" (BSP) is a plan that assists a member in building positive behaviors to replace or reduce a challenging/dangerous behavior. This plan may include teaching, improved communication, increasing relationships, and using clinical interventions.

What is the purpose of a behaviour support plan? ›

A Behaviour Support Plan (BSP) can help ensure that students and staff feel safe, valued and connected to their school community. An effective BSP contributes to building respectful relationships, resilience, and well-adjusted students who are able to learn effectively.

How do the behaviour management strategies we use help build positive relationships with the children? ›

Effective behaviour management strategies, which are equally applicable and effective in centre-based care and at home include:
  1. Keep rules simple and easy to understand. ...
  2. Say what you mean. ...
  3. Talk with children, not at them. ...
  4. Set a good example. ...
  5. Encourage children to set good examples for each other. ...
  6. Give clear, simple choices.
Feb 20, 2024

Why is it important to create behavioral support plans for students? ›

A BIP is a written plan to help a student who struggles to behave in class. It's designed to stop problem behaviors by rewarding good behaviors. The plan gives teachers and staff a clear set of behavioral goals for your child.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.