SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (2024)

What is SAPUI5?

SAPUI5 is a set of libraries to build responsive web applications that run on multiple devices like Desktop, Mobile, and Tablet. SAPUI5 works on MVC concept to accelerate the development cycle by creating data, business logic, and representation of data separately on the view. So the development of view and controller can take place independently to create models (data containers).

SAPUI5 is the latest in the series of SAP UI development technologies. In order to provide web integration for the underlying SAP ERP system, SAP came up with multiple UI development technologies like BSP (Business server pages), PDK (Portal development kit), Web Dynpro Java, Web Dynpro ABAP. And the successor of Web Dynpro ABAP is SAPUI5.

In this SAP UI5 tutorial for beginners, you will learn SAP UI5 basics like:

  • What is SAPUI5?
  • SAPUI5 Architecture
  • SAPUI5 Component
  • SAPUI5 Setup
  • Part 1) Create Child Application
  • Part 2) Creating a Parent Component

SAPUI5 Architecture

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (1)

SAPUI5 Architecture

SAPUI Architecture Diagram

In the above Architecture, first box, i.e. ‘Devices’ indicate the devices on which UI5 applications run. UI5 applications can be accessed via a Mobile app or any browser on these devices. This layer of the architecture is called ‘Presentation Layer.’

SAPUI5 applications and oData services reside on SAP NetWeaver Gateway Server. This layer of the architecture is called ‘Application Layer.’

Actual business logic is implemented in SAP core systems like ECC, CRM, and BW, etc.… Business logic can be implemented using SAP programs and function modules. SAP transactional and Master Data reside on SAP systems. This layer of the architecture is called ‘Database Layer’ or ‘Persistence Layer.’

SAPUI5 Component

A Component is a piece of working code that is reused wherever required. There are 2 types of components provided by SAPUI5

  1. UI Components – These represent a user interface containing UI elements. These are based on SPAUI5 Class called sap.ui.core.UIComponent
  2. Faceless Components – These do not have a user interface. These are based on SAPUI5 class called sap.ui.core.Component

Essentially, a Component is a folder. When you create a new SAPUI5 application, you will be able to see a folder structure created in your project explorer like below.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (2)

In this UI5 application, PassNum is a Component. Component.js file is mandatory for UI5 application to behave like a Component. Component.js file is the component controller.

Next in this SAPUI5 Eclipse tutorial, we will learn how to setup SAPUI5.

SAPUI5 Setup

Before we start, you need to ensure that –

  1. Eclipse (Luna version) is installed on your laptop
  2. SAP Development Tools for Eclipse Luna and installed on your eclipse (SAP Development Tools for Eclipse Luna –
  3. SAP Logon pad is installed, and you have access to SAP NetWeaver Gateway system for deployment and testing on this application that we are going to build in this blog.

After the application is completely built, it should look like below:

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (3)

In this SAPUI5 tutorials guide, we will create 2 components namely Parent Component and Child Component. First, we will create Child Component and then consume it in Parent component.

Let’s start getting our hands dirty.

Part 1) Create Child Application

Our goal is to create a Child Component that will accept a number from 1 to 12 and display the name of the month. For example, it receives 3; it should display ‘March’.

Step 1) Create the UI Project

Go to File->New->Other->SAPUI5 Application Development->Application project.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (4)

Create an application project for SAPUI5 by following the wizard that opens up. See screenshot below.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (5)

Enter Name of the project, let the other selections remain the same as suggested by the wizard.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (6)

In the above screenshot, there are 2 types of libraries displayed as radio buttons

  1. sap.m
  2. sap.ui.commons

When you select sap.m, you are telling the wizard to create a UI5 application project whose bootstrap section will automatically include sap.m library which is meant for creating a responsive web application.

Next in this SAP FIORI tutorial, you will see below section of the wizard where you need to create initial View. An Initial view is a view which will be rendered first when the application is accessed.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (7)

Here you need to give the name of the view and select type of the view. SAPUI5 supports 4 types of view as evident on the above screen. So the UI of a SAPUI5 application can be built using Javascript or XML or JSON or HTML whichever language you are comfortable with.

At the end of the wizard, a new project will be created and displayed on Project Explorer window of Eclipse like below.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (8)

Step 2) Component.js code

Next, let us create a Component.js file and write below code in it.

sap.ui.core.UIComponent.extend("DisplayMonth.Component", { metadata: { "name": "DisplayMonth", "dependencies": { "components": []} }, createContent: function() { var oViewData = { component: this }; var oView = sap.ui.view({ viewName: "DisplayMonth.displaymonth.DisplayMonthView", type: sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.XML, viewData: oViewData }); return(oView); }, init: function() { // call super init (will call function "create content") sap.ui.core.UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); // always use absolute paths relative to our own component // (relative paths will fail if running in the Fiori Launchpad) var sRootPath ="DisplayMonth"); },});

Step 3) Index.html code

Next, let us tell out the index.html file to load Component.js in SAPUI5 when the application is accessed from the browser. So write below code in the index.html file.

<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head>// adding meta tags to tell IE browser to render the page in IE-edge mode.<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">// adding meta tag to tell eclipse to use UTF 8 as character encoding<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/>// Bootstrap script to tell ui5 designtime and runtime to use sap.m library, use //blue-crystal these and use complex binding syntax<script src="resources/sap-ui-core.js"id="sap-ui-bootstrap"data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m"data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal"data-sap-ui-xx-bindingSyntax="complex"data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"DisplayMonth": "./"}'></script><script>sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function() { new sap.m.Shell({ app: new sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer({ height : "100%", name : "DisplayMonth" }) }).placeAt("content"); });</script></head>// start of body of SAPUI5 application. It contains a div element.<body class="sapUiBody" role="application"><div id="content"></div></body></html>

Step 4) DisplayMonthView.view.xml code

Next, let us write code in our displaymonth view which will display the Month whose month number is received from the parent Component.

<html:style>#__xmlview1--id{margin-left: 30rem; margin-top: 9rem; font-size: 6rem; font-style: italic; background-color: burlywood;}</html:style><App id="fioricontent"><Page title="Child Component"><content><Text id="id" xmlns="sap.m" text="{myModel>/monthname}"></Text></content></Page></App>

After you’ve pasted above code, your view should look like below-

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (9)

Step 5) DisplayMonthView.controller.js code

And finally, let us write code of DisplayMonthView’s Controller file.

The code is written only in the onInit() hook method of this controller hence pasting here only the onInit() code. Rest of the file is as generated by the framework.

onInit : function() {sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus().subscribe("exchange", "data",function(channel, event, oEventData) {jsonModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel({monthumber : oEventData,monthname : ''});// derive month name from month numberswitch (jsonModel.oData.monthumber) {case "1":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'January';break;case "2":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'February';break;case "3":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'March';break;case "4":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'April';break;case "5":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'May';break;case "6":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'June';break;case "7":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'July';break;case "8":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'August';break;case "9":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'September';break;case "10":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'October';break;case "11":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'November';break;case "12":jsonModel.oData.monthname = 'December';break;}this.getView().setModel(jsonModel, "myModel");}, this);},

Step 6) Deployment of the application on SAP Netweaver Gateway Server

Deploy the project and give the technical name of the BSP application which will be generated on the ABAP frontend server. Let the name be zdisplaymonth. At this point, your application project should look like below.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (10)

PART 2) Creating a Parent Component

Now it is the time to create a new Component (Parent Component) which will consume the Component we created so far in this tutorial.

Step 1) Create a new SAPUI5 application

Go to File->New->Other->SAPUI5 Application Development->Application project. Then follow wizard instructions to create new SAPUI5 application project. This has been described in detail in Step 1 of Part 1 in this tutorial above.

Name of the parent Component project is PassNum. And the technical name of the BSP application generated after deployment of SAPUI5 component to ABAP frontend server is zpassnum. The project structure will look like below

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (11)

Let us now write code in index.html, Component.js and PassNum.view.xml and PassNum.controller.js files

Step 2) Source Code of Index.html of the Parent Component

<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head>// adding meta tags to tell IE browser to render the page in IE-edge mode.<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">// adding meta tag to tell eclipse to use UTF 8 as character encoding<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/>// Bootstrap script to tell ui5 designtime and runtime to use sap.m library, use //blue-crystal these and use complex binding syntax<script src="resources/sap-ui-core.js"id="sap-ui-bootstrap"data-sap-ui-libs="sap.m"data-sap-ui-theme="sap_bluecrystal"data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"PassNum": "./"}'></script><script> sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function() { new sap.m.Shell({ app: new sap.ui.core.ComponentContainer({ height : "100%", name : "PassNum" }) }).placeAt("content"); });</script></head>// start of Body of SAPUI5 application, Contains a div tag,<body class="sapUiBody" role="application"><div id="content"></div></body></html>

Step 3) Source code of Component.js file of Parent Component

sap.ui.core.UIComponent.extend("PassNum.Component", { metadata: { "name": "PassNum", "dependencies": { "components": []} }, createContent: function() { var oViewData = { component: this }; // Creating Reference of a PassNum XML view var myView = sap.ui.view({ viewName: "PassNum.passnum.PassNum", type: sap.ui.core.mvc.ViewType.XML, viewData: oViewData }); return(myView); }, init: function() { // call super init (this will call function "create content") sap.ui.core.UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); // ensure to use absolute paths relative to own component // (running in the Fiori Launchpad, relative paths will fail) var sRootPath ="PassNum"); },});

Step 4) Source code of PassNum.view.xml file

<Page title="Parent Component"><content><VBox xmlns="sap.m" id="vboxid"><items><Button xmlns="sap.m" id="1" text="First" press="clickbutton"class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd"></Button><Button xmlns="sap.m" id="2" text="Second" press="clickbutton"class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd"></Button><Button xmlns="sap.m" id="3" text="Third" press="clickbutton"class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd"></Button><Button xmlns="sap.m" id="4" text="Fourth" press="clickbutton"class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd"></Button><Button xmlns="sap.m" id="5" text="Fifth" press="clickbutton"class="sapUiSmallMarginEnd"></Button><core:ComponentContainer id="conpcontid"name="DisplayMonth" manifestFirst="true" component="zdisplaymonth"></core:ComponentContainer></items></VBox></content></Page>

After you use above code in your view, your view should look like below

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (12)

Step 5) Source code of PassNum.controller.js

Only the onInit() method has been changed. Everything else in this file remains the same

onInit: function() {"DisplayMonth", "../zdisplaymonth");},clickbutton:function(oEvent){sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus().publish("exchange", "data", oEvent.oSource.sId.split("--")[1]);}

Step 6) Deployment of Parent Component to SAP Netweaver Gateway Server

Deploy the application on ABAP frontend server and run it. You should be able to run it by right-clicking on the project and clicking ‘Run on ABAP server’ option.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (13)

Below URL will open up in eclipse browser.

Copy the URL and run it in the actual browser. In the above hostname marked in yellow is the hostname of your ABAP frontend server.


SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (14)

Click on ‘First’ button, January should display in the Child Component.

SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (15)

Enjoy creating beautiful, responsive web applications using SAPUI5.


In this SAPUI5 tutorial, we have learned:

  • SAPUI5 explored: SAPUI5 is the latest in the series of SAP UI development technologies.
  • What is SAP UI5: SAPUI5 is a set of libraries which is used to build Responsive web applications
  • Components of SAPUI5 architecture are Devices, Client, NetWeaver Gateway, Persistence Layer
  • A SAPUI5 Component is a piece of working code that is reused wherever required
  • Types of SAPUI5 Component are 1) UI Components, 2) Faceless Components
  • We learnt about consuming one sapui5 component into another sapui5 component and passing data between the two components

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SAPUI5 Tutorial for Beginners: What is Fiori with Examples (2024)


What is SAP Fiori for beginners? ›

It provides a set of applications that are used in regular business functions like work approvals, financial apps, calculation apps and various self-service apps. SAP Fiori provides 300+ role-based applications like HR, Manufacturing, Finance, etc.

What is Fiori in SAPUI5? ›

SAP Fiori is a collection of design rules that govern how a user interface should seem and function. It is a set of criteria that determine the SAP application's user experience (UX). As a result, SAP Fiori aims to provide a consistent, simple, intuitive, and responsive user experience for all SAP applications.

How do you practice Fiori? ›

Part 1) Create Child Application
  1. Step 1) Create the UI Project. Go to File->New->Other->SAPUI5 Application Development->Application project. ...
  2. Step 2) Component. js code. ...
  3. Step 3) Index.html code. ...
  4. Step 4) DisplayMonthView. ...
  5. Step 5) DisplayMonthView. ...
  6. Step 6) Deployment of the application on SAP Netweaver Gateway Server.
May 6, 2023

What are the 5 principles of SAP Fiori? ›

Design Principles
  • Role-based. Designed for you, your needs, and how you work.
  • Coherent. Provides one fluid, intuitive experience.
  • Adaptive. Adapts to multiple use cases and devices.
  • Simple. Includes only what is nessesary.
  • Delightful. Makes an emotional connection.

What are the 5 principles of SAP Fiori design? ›

The design philosophy of SAP Fiori is based on five core principles. SAP Fiori user experience is role-based, adaptive, simple, coherent, and delightful.

What is the difference between SAP GUI and Fiori? ›

SAP GUI and SAP Fiori each perform similar functions. SAP GUI is accessible through the SAP Menu, allowing you to develop GUI-based reports for various tabular data. SAP Fiori, on the other hand, makes things much more manageable with its more accessible interface.

What does Fiori stand for? ›

It is because Fiori means 'flowers' in Italian.

Why is SAP called Fiori? ›

SAP Fiori gets its name from the Italian word for flower. We know that flowers are nice to look at, are shaped with nature's intelligent design, and are delightful to behold.

What are the 3 dimensions of Fiori? ›

The three dimensions in which SAP Fiori is defined are design, principles, and technology.

Why Fiori is used? ›

Types of Applications. SAP Fiori helps users handle many different SAP business tasks, such as creating or tracking purchase orders, watching out for new business opportunities, or displaying invoices. Developers utilize SAP Fiori elements that act as design templates to create consistent applications.

What is the difference between SAP Fiori and SAP S 4HANA? ›

SAP S/4HANA provides an award-winning UX (SAP Fiori) along with a host of application and uses case-specific benefits. SAP S/4HANA is the shorter form of SAP Business Suite 4 SAP HANA, which means it is the fourth version of SAP Business Suite. It is designed to run only on SAP HANA as the database.

What are the skills required for SAP Fiori? ›

  • Minimum of 3 years' experience in SAP Fiori development:
  • SAP UI5 hands on experience.
  • Good understanding of JavaScript and HTML5.
  • Highly skilled in CSS3, MVC, Bootstrap, Angular JS, React JS, JQuery.
  • Development tools – Web IDE/BAS.
  • Responsive UI design.
  • Browser debugging tools.
Feb 23, 2023

How is Fiori connected to SAP? ›

ABAP Front-End Server

The central UI component is a framework that provides the common infrastructure for all SAP Fiori apps: SAP Fiori launchpad is the basis of all SAP Fiori UIs, and provides fundamental functions for SAP Fiori apps such as logon, surface sizing, navigation between apps, and role-based app catalogs.

How do I create a tile in SAP Fiori? ›

  1. Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad in the SAP S/4HANA Cloud system.
  2. Go to the Extensibility tile group and choose Custom Tiles.
  3. To create a new custom tile, choose New.
  4. In the Create Tile dialog box, enter a title and an ID.
  5. Choose Create.
  6. Save your changes.

How to implement Fiori in SAP? ›

STEP1 : Please make note of fiori app id and search for your app in the fiori apps library and select the app needed.
  1. STEP2: Check the configuration section in the fiori apps library please take the path of ICF Node and check in sap System.
  2. Step3: Make sure that sicf services are activated.
Nov 14, 2022

What are Fiori components? ›

Component Matrix
SAP Fiori launchpad configuration co*ckpitUsed for administration tasks
SAP Web IDEProvides the tools, editors, SAPUI5 APIs, monile SDKs, templates, and other APIs in a consistent and comprehensive environment
Application repositoryStores the SAP Fiori apps, that are available
8 more rows

What are roles in SAP Fiori? ›

Users need authorization roles to run the SAP Fiori launchpad (as an end user) and the SAP Fiori launchpad designer (as an administrator). When users have these roles, they can access the catalogs and groups assigned to the roles by a role administrator.

How many types of apps we have in SAP Fiori? ›

SAP Fiori has three app types, each distinguished by their focus and infrastructure requirements: Transactional apps. Fact sheets. Analytical apps.

What does the SAP Fiori rule 1 1 3 mean? ›

SAP advocate a design principle known as 1-1-3 (“one one three”). This means each screen should be designed with a single user (or role) in mind, a single task that this user wants to accomplish, and a maximum of three levels of navigation to perform this task.

Is SAP Fiori a framework? ›

SAP UI5 is a Java script based framework that is used to design multi-platform business applications. It supports various data models and views do desktop and mobile applications.

Which language is used for SAP Fiori? ›

Supported Languages
LanguageSAP Fiori ClientCustom SAP Fiori Client
English (en)1.0 and laterSDK 3.0 SP04 and later
French (fr)1.4 and laterSDK 3.0 SP09 and later
German (de)1.4 and laterSDK 3.0 SP09 and later
Hungarian (hu)1.8 and laterSDK 3.0 SP14 and later
10 more rows

What is the difference between personas and Fiori? ›

The difference is that Screen Personas runs directly on the backend based on the backend transaction screens. Fiori apps run on a front-end (gateway) and only retrieve data from the backend. However, Screen Personas can be perfectly integrated into the Fiori launchpad.

What are the user types in SAP Fiori? ›

In the ABAP environment, there are different types of users such as business users, communication users, and support users. Business users are customer-owned end users that use SAP Fiori applications as well as applications and services in SAP BTP, such as SAP Business Application Studio.

Does SAP Fiori require coding? ›

The SAP Fiori elements framework allows developers to build SAP Fiori frontends with minimal code – unlike freestyle applications, which require extensive coding to program the interface.

What are smart controls in SAPUI5? ›

SAPUI5 smart controls are a special category of controls that help to boost application development and are part of the SAP Fiori Elements offering. Specific feature of the smart controls is that they can interpret the OData protocol and be adaptive depending on the protocol's annotations.

Is Fiori an interface? ›

SAP Fiori is the user interface or user experience (UX) that supplements and can replace the SAP GUI.

How many types of tiles are there in Fiori? ›

There are 4 types of tiles available in Fiori. Static − A standard tile that displays static content. You basically configure a title, subtitle, and an icon. KPI Tile −Displays Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on a tile in real time.

What is MVC in Fiori? ›

The Model View Controller (MVC) concept is used in SAPUI5 to separate the representation of information from the user interaction. This separation facilitates development and the changing of parts independently.

What is the latest version of Fiori? ›

SAP Fiori 3 is the latest iteration of the SAP Fiori design language.

What is Fiori Launchpad? ›

SAP Fiori launchpad is a shell that hosts SAP Fiori apps, and provides the apps with services such as navigation, personalization, embedded support, and application configuration. SAP Fiori launchpad is the entry point to SAP Fiori apps on mobile and desktop devices.

How do I access SAP GUI from Fiori? ›

If you're in your normal SAP GUI screen, you can navigate directly to your Fiori launchpad (if you have it activated) in SAP S/4HANA by using transaction n/ui2/flp – note that the “/n” at the start of the transaction is essential.

How do you implement Fiori apps? ›

Table of Contents
  1. Set Up and Configure SAP Fiori.
  2. Implement SAP Fiori Apps. User Management and Authorization. Implementation Tasks on Front-End Server. Implementation Tasks on Back-End Server. Creating Custom Analytical Apps Using a KPI Tile.

What is difference between catalog and group in Fiori? ›

Catalogs are apps that are visible for user roles. Groups are sets of apps that are displayed together on the launchpad and are valid for all roles, but some may not be visible, depending on the roles.

How many tiles does Fiori Launchpad have? ›

Three different tiles can be created in the SAP S/4 HANA Fiori Launchpad.

What is the size of tile in Fiori? ›

Layout. The generic tile control supports the following dimensions: 2×2 tile. 4×2 tile (wide)

What is the role of SAP Fiori? ›

Transactional apps in SAP Fiori are used to perform transactional tasks like a manager-employee transactions such as leave request, travel requests, etc. Transactional Apps run best on SAP HANA database but can be deployed with any database with acceptable performance.

What are the key benefits of SAP Fiori? ›

SAP Fiori can reduce the number of time employees spend on data input and maintenance work to free up employees' time to focus on more important tasks. It will also show you how your employees can experience an improved user experience (UX) with Fiori.

What is the difference between SAP Fiori and SAP GUI? ›

SAP GUI and SAP Fiori each perform similar functions. SAP GUI is accessible through the SAP Menu, allowing you to develop GUI-based reports for various tabular data. SAP Fiori, on the other hand, makes things much more manageable with its more accessible interface.

How many types of applications are there in SAP Fiori? ›

SAP Fiori has three app types, each distinguished by their focus and infrastructure requirements: Transactional apps. Fact sheets. Analytical apps.

What are SAP Fiori tools? ›

SAP Fiori tools is a set of extensions for SAP Business Application Studio and Visual Studio Code that makes it faster and easier to develop SAP Fiori elements applications.

What are the three dimensions in SAP Fiori? ›

The three dimensions in which SAP Fiori is defined are design, principles, and technology.

What language is used in SAP Fiori? ›

All SAP Fiori apps are built using SAPUI5, the UI development toolkit for HTML5 that provides a programming model for desktop and mobile applications. Its JavaScript UI control library allows developers to build applications that can run on any device.

What is the SAP Fiori language? ›

SAP Fiori is a design language and user experience approach developed by SAP for use by SAP, its customers and its partners in business applications. The SAP Fiori design language is used in SAP applications, including the S/4HANA and C/4HANA suites, SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Data Hub, SAP Ariba and others.

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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.